Maria de Buenos Aires - Bloomington Indiana
"The Buskirk-Chumley Theater was packed Thursday evening, and about 50 people had to be turned away..on the stage guided by sensitive stage director Mihaela Bogdan, and a terrific violinist, music director Hebe de Champeaux, instrumentalists, vocalists and dancers acted out the enigmatic yet compelling tale... everyone seemed deeply into the spirit of the affair." -- Peter Jacobi (the Herald Times) Tidings of Wonder - Leiden, the Netherlands "Je moet van goede huize komen om als koor in coronatijd, met anderhalf meter afstand tussen de zangers, weinig tijd om gezamenlijk te repeteren, zo'n verrassend, leuk, sfeervol kerstconcert te bieden. Dat heeft veel te maken met de fantastische, in- en meelevende dirigent Hebe de Champeaux. Met elegante, kleine adequate bewegingen, ogen die bij inzetten even vuur schieten, dirigeert zij het Leiden English Choir voorbeeldig" - Lidy van der Spek (Leidsche Dagblad) ** translation - "You have to come from a good home to offer such a surprising, fun, atmospheric Christmas concert as a choir in corona time, with one and a half meters away between the singers, little time to rehearse together. That has a lot to do with the fantastic, in - and compassionate conductor Hebe de Champeaux. With elegant, small adequate movements, eyes that shoot fire, she conducts the Leiden English Choir in an exemplary fashion." - Lidy van der Spek (Leidsche Dagblad) Autunno Ensemble 2018 "Hebe de Champeaux, sinds dit jaar de vaste dirigente van het Autunno Ensemble, bewees zaterdagavond in de Grote Kerk in Dokkum, dat zij de al dertig jaar bestaande strijkersgroep prima leiding kan geven. Al meteen in ‘Zwei Melodien, opus 53’ van Edvard Grieg kreeg zij het ensemble, dat ieder jaar overeenkomstig de naam in de herfst een aantal optredens verzorgt, op één lijn wat betreft accenten, dynamiek, spannings- en zinsopbouw. De harmonie deed weldadig aan en geregeld was er sprake van ingehouden spanning en uiterste subtiliteit." -- Rennie Veenstra, Dokkum ** translation - Hebe de Champeaux, who has been the permanent conductor of the Autunno Ensemble since this year, proved on Saturday evening in the Grote Kerk in Dokkum that she can lead the string group that has existed for thirty years. Immediately in Edvard Grieg's 'Zwei Melodien, opus 53' she got the ensemble, which gives a number of performances every year in accordance with its name in the autumn, in line with regard to accents, dynamics, tension and sentence structure. The harmony felt pleasant and there was often internalized excitement combined with extreme subtlety." -- Rennie Veenstra, Dokkum Maria de Buenos Aires - Cluj-Napoca "Însa cel mai bine a evoluat în acest spectacol orchestra, condusa de Hebe de Champeaux si avându-l printre instrumentisti pe bandoneonistul Marcelo Nisinman. Muzicienii au cântat în acelasi tonus valoric de la început pâna la sfârsit. Partitura dificila a capatat coerenta, muzicalitate si pregnanta, aducand fanilor placerea de a asculta "live" muzica atat de aparte a lui Piazzolla. Bravo orchestrei!" -- Claudiu Groza (Clujeanul) ** translation "..But the orchestra, led by Hebe de Champeaux and featuring the bandoneonist Marcelo Nisinman, performed best in this show. The musicians sang in the same value tone from beginning to end. The difficult score gained coherence, musicality and prominence, bringing fans the pleasure of listening 'live' to Piazzolla's very special music. Congratulations to the orchestra!" |
(14 August 2023) "Een zinderende stampvolle Lokhorstkerk luisterde zondagmiddag met groot welgevallen naar het Londinium Chamber Choir, dat zeker voor déze gelegenheid spontaan uit hun dak ging.... Drie dagen vóór de uitvoering krijgt dirigent Andrew Griffiths de gevreesde Corona. En wie gaat dan op stel en sprong zijn plaats innemen? Niemand minder dan de gevierde dirigent van onder andere Leidens English Choir, Hebe de Champeaux. Geïnteresseerd in Engelse vocale muziek, kort zij haar vakantie in om van dit concert een feest te maken. Met uitstekende amateur-zangers die welhaast de kwaliteit bezitten van een professioneel koor. Zo zingen rond 45 koorleden bij 30 graden Celsius vurig vitaal, vol vertrouwen dat Hebe er iets goeds van gaat maken."
** translation - "Sunday afternoon, a hot and packed Lokhorstkerk listened with great pleasure to the Londinium Chamber Choir, which certainly raised the roof for this occasion.... Three days before the performance, conductor Andrew Griffiths contracted the dreaded Corona. Who came to jump in for him? None other than the celebrated conductor of, among others, Leidens English Choir, Hebe de Champeaux. Interested in English vocal music, she shortened her holiday to make this concert real celebration with excellent amateur singers who almost possess the quality of a professional choir. These 45 choir members sang fervently at 30 degrees Celsius, full of confidence in Hebe's leadership." |