The last weeks of 2024 slipped by with a myriad of activity. I conducted several concerts of primarily the Snowman (Howard Blake) with Jonge Strijkers. This was a challenge that I hadn't anticipated, but a brilliantly fun one. Syncing 25 minutes of orchestral music to a film in which mere seconds make or break the concert is exciting, if not slightly terrifying. It was a great learning experience, and to my surprise, we pulled it off quite well. There is one more concert on the 19th of January, and it is again, sold out.
The kids and I popped out to Belgium directly after the concert on the 21st, and enjoyed a short but sweet little holiday before we pulled off a splendid Christmas at home on the 25th. Looking back on this year, it has been quite a ride, emotionally and for my career. As every year slips by, it's easy to forget, especially in the flurry of activity as a career woman and a mother, how incredibly much was done in one single year. From conducting various orchestras and choirs, setting up my own foundation, singing in many different ensembles and tours, playing violin with my daughter, participating in Maestra, teaching in a quite large number of elementary schools and developing my own music method, it's no wonder that I felt quite empty. I spent the last hours of 2024 curled up on my coach with my cat, reading a book and enjoying the solitude. I'm picking up the thread with enthusiasm. My first two days with two schools left me with a grin on my face. It's time to make music again.
The summer weeks of 2024 are almost over, and they have been a whirlwind of very exciting and enervating activity. The first week found all three of us at Jonge Strijkers summer camp at Nyenrode Business University, in which I led the first edition of the new youngest group: Kids. They were simply lovely and it was as if they had been at every previous edition as well. They blended in splendidly, and added a positive and enthusiast vibe that infected the other groups as well.
A week of repose and preparation (and house repairs) ensued, and that flung me into the following weeks of activity: a tour with Amsterdam Baroque to the Iteneraire Baroque Festival singing St John Passion, a week of rehearsals conducting the Vocaal Ensemble Tien in a small luxurious castle in the Ardennes, a week of Buitenkunst Drenthe, and finally the current week of vacation in the Alps. I just want to take a little bit of time to elaborate upon Buitenkunst. Buitenkunst has always been a bizarre place which can be fantastic, exhausting, frustrating, energising, mind-blowing, and fascinating. I have been working there off and on as a conductor for singing workshops since 2009. It is a very welcome job for the summer months, and doesn't have any effect on one's career in a positive or negative way. It is so entirely itself, that working there cannot put one in any box, and cannot upgrade or downgrade a career path. There have been some years in which I have been absolutely stunned by the amount of creativity that amasses there. The product can be nothing at all, but it can also be surprisingly overwhelming, delightful. Nothing can be really planned beforehand. One doesn't know which and how many participants will chose one's program. The knowledge that they bring with them is also unknown. Of course, many days are experimental flops. However, many days are also huge successes, considering that all involved, with the exception of the workshop leader, are amateurs. This year was different than before. My music colleagues and I worked well and respectfully with each other. There was a new theater teacher specialising in puppet theater, and she and I (in collaboration with three others) created two succesful projects that I hope I won't forget for a long while. The first was totally spontaneous. It was chance that she was doing something with Japanese puppets, and I was offering a Japanese song on the same day (with choreography). We created a collaboration with each of our 12 member groups, and were able to perform it in the evening. One of my participants came to me on the last day, and told me that it was possibly her favorite workshop of the week. Again, completely unexpected. On the last day, we (5 teachers) created a mega collaboration with an intro with dance and choir with snippets from Jurassic Park, followed by an orchestral and choral version of the main theme from Jurassic Park, accompanied by a massive puppet show of half human, half dinosaur puppets running through the field and audience. It was a tremendous success, and cemented the new friendship between me and Cat (puppet theater teacher). Two special side notes: one of the young women in my orchestra doesn't read music and wanted to join anyways. I constructed a sort of timpani part with two bass drums from two drumsets, and put a cymbal in between. She totally rocked the "timpani" part, and was absolutely fantastic on the suspended cymbal. She learned how to warm it up during a 2 measure buildup and crashed it at exactly the right moment 2 times during the piece. She is absolutely a born percussionist. I sincerely hope that she finds a way to continu. The second instance was a bassist that also played in the orchestra. He told me that he had NEVER played in orchestra, and that he just loved the experience. If anything makes me happy, it is those two wonderful people. I don't need to stand in front of the Concertgebouw to be happy. Give me a mumble jumble orchestra in a forest with these type of people, along side an amazing collaboration, and that is exactly what brings me joy. Keep on making music! I finally came away from Buitenkunst with the feeling: yes, I can't wait until next year. Let's keep the flame of creativity and collaboration alive. In just a few days I will be heading to Paris with an amazing fan club for the La Maestra Conducting Competition. Wim, Suzanne (and family), Ria, Frans, Irene, Ton, Sanna, and Lineke; what a joy and honor for me that you will be joining me in Paris to support me. It warms my heart to have such amazing people around me at this important event. I'm grateful to you!
My favourite composers at the moment are: (early) G.F. Händel, JS Bach, W.A. Mozart (orchestral later) Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Ravel (choral and strings) Pēteris Vasks, Mäntyjärvi, Arvo Pärt, Rautavaara, Knut Nystedt It says a lot that the Romantics don't really pull my strings anymore. Thank goodness round 1 has two of my composers listed above, and round two is completely unknown music next to two pieces that I can perform in my sleep. (I've sung Parto Parto for at least a decade). The last round, would I get that far, will be a joy. Brahms 4, which I conducted in a final exam 20 years ago, Beethoven 8, one of my favourite Beethoven's, Debussy's Fētes, one of the only pieces that I like by the composer, and a new very experimental piece by Manon Lepauvre. Allons-y! After six months of a roiling amount of emotions elicited by a constant bombardement of horrific news emitting from the Palestinian territories, it seemed impossible to concentrate. I can't describe in words the amount of emotional turmoil that this season has brought to me. Rage at the amount of brainwashing causing the allowance of indiscriminate terror upon millions of people, fear of consequences of speaking out, a blasé feeling about making what I feel is sometimes superficial music in such a time of grief, whereas before music seemed all-important, concern about my future career and ability to support my children, concern about my children's future in a world falling apart politically, economically, and environmentally. All of these deep feelings of insecurity, horror, helplessness, fear.... I know many of us are able to keep going simply by suppressing the majority of these feelings. If we let them in, they, as a flood, would overwhelm our brains, and society would completely fall apart even more than it is doing now. However, I also know that those of us who are highly sensitive have difficulty to stem the tide. We are the ones who find it, in these terrible times, incredibly hard to concentrate.
I feel for you, I stand by you, I support you. Let us stand together to look forward, to help those that are left, and to be there especially for the children of tomorrow who so desperately need our help. Keep a goal in mind. Concentrate. I stepped in the train at Amsterdam Centraal today to go to a rehearsal in Lelystad, and was sitting by the entrance so as to keep eye on my folding bike, when a relatively young (25-30?) man with a friendly appearance stepped in and caught my eye. We shared a smile, and a few minutes later I noticed a keffiyeh almost hidden underneath his jacket collar. As I had a stack of flyers for the benefit concert for the children of Gaza with me, and wanted to offer him one, I asked if I could give it to him because I noticed his shawl. He immediately replied, "I'm from Gaza," upon ensued a very pleasant and open conversation with him and with two other people, that just as I were full of curiosity and questions and were standing in the same carriage. A story came out which can only be described as incredulous. He moved here three years ago, and has a legal status to work in the Netherlands. This is one of those immigrants that does the jobs that we would rather not do, for wages that are probably suboptimal. In any case, he is very glad to be away from Gaza, because "it is just terrible there." We didn't go into the specifics. But, three years ago, it was already terrible there. He had to bribe an Egyptian border guard to be able to get out and to travel to Cairo, upon which his journey begin to Turkey, Greece, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, and through to the Netherlands. He walked most of the way from Turkey until Hungary, swimming a river and climbing high mountains for three days. He said that many who couldn't swim simply died in the river, and those who couldn't climb didn't make it either. At one point the police found them and brought them back to the border, but they just went back again and this time, were not caught.
He spoke to his father four days ago during the temporary cease-fire. He has not heard from them since. The strange thing about this man is that he remained cheerful pleasant, even when describing hardships and difficulties. I told him he is my guest at the benefit concert on the 15th of December. The beautiful conversation that the four of us had, strange for a train ride in which normally nobody every speaks to anybody, is exactly what the benefit concert TROOST wants to elicit. It's a place for contact, for real interaction, music, consolation, listening to one another. Please come. Please feel welcome. Please help us to give a little light, comfort, and help to the children that so desperately need it now in Gaza. Let's raise 10,000 euros for those 1 million children! To reserve a seat make a donation and send an email to [email protected]. If you can't make it, all donations are still very welcome! Thank you. Collapse - How Societies Chose to Fail or Survive
Jared Diamond Reading is essential to understand the world. Illiteracy is one of the most dangerous elements of the developed world. 25% of Dutch teenagers are incapable of understanding written text. Spread the word. Support literacy. Many are walking on thin ice at this time, and I feel the same way. My heart and mind are torn and broken at the world situation. Yet I know that there are horrific consequences to population explosions and religious dogmas, as described by Jared Diamond's book Collapse. The collapse is starting now, and people like Bernie Sanders seem to be the only ones standing bravely in the face of the tsunami. Please donate to help the Palestinians. At the current moment Israel is bombing everything in Gaza. 1 million people have become homeless in less than a week, more than 7000 are dead, a substantial amount of those children. Little to no supplies have been able to enter the territory. When we wake up tomorrow there might be no one to donate for, but for moralities sake, give generously for those who might survive. In 2006-7 I grew up. I needed a job. I reviewed the website daily and finally stumbled upon something that I was ecstatic to apply for and do: conducting two orchestras, 1 choir, and teaching violin and flute all in 1 place - the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music. I didn't look at the flag, and applied. When I got the job, I realised that I would be moving to Pa. les tine. I was 25 years old. That was the year that I grew up and lost my stupid American naiveté.
In these series of blog posts I'll be sharing the email updates that I sent to my friends, family, and colleagues at the time. March 4 2007, Update 8: Dear All, the time is flying and March is already here. . . wow, and of course a new month means a new update!! Today the Int/Adv orchestra and I finished the final orchestra camp in Birzeit before we head off to a tour to Dubai on Friday. The whole Conservatory is buzzing with excitement, and of course everybody wants to go. Actually, the fact that the orchestra is going is due to a blessed mistake! The sponsors had requested classical and Arabic music, and said that they could bring 15 musicians. The conservatory arranged for chamber music and soloists, but then the director got the fatal call the Dubai sponsors and audience were expecting an orchestra, and would cancel the whole occasion unless an orchestra was sent. (strange for them to think that 15 people could constitute an orchestra?). Anyways, Suhail, by boss and director, called me into his office and with rings under his eyes and with an exhausted and quasi helpless sigh explained the situation and asked if it would be at all possible to manage to pull this one off.. OF COURSE!! I love the impossible challenge! Not only, but I put another “impossible” on top of the first impossible by saying that the orchestra should not only play it’s old rep, but also the new project, Beethoven 5. The kids ATE it up! There was practicing like you wouldn’t believe, especially since the places to go to Dubai were limited (now to a healthier number of 40) and therefore competition was driving flying fingers and screaming bows. So after two intensive weekend orchestra camps, we are ready to go with Beethoven 5, Schubert 8, and some other small pieces! As I get more opportunities to conduct and rehearse, my teachers words are haunting my dreams and thoughts as I examine and re-examine what I am doing with these kids. The more you do it, the more you realize that conducting is not only music, but also conducting mentalities, mindsets, trying to mend this relation here and there, stoke some spark of imagination or energy in this mind or that, give confidence to the doubtful, snap the whip at the lazy, all at the same time as being a dual subject of hatred or admiration. And trying all the time to keep the footing on some level of respect and discipline needed to produce a productive rehearsal and a happy orchestra. It’s not only the kids minds that I deal with . . it is also the teachers of the kids. Those who study with teachers involved directly with the orchestra excel and have great attitudes, and those who study with teachers with noses in the air towards orchestra only THINK they are adequate, but in fact are dragging the group down . . it’s all one mental game! Back to the grand old Ramallah, a little bit of everyday life. Fridays SUCK traveling. Friday is the big prayer day for Muslims, many of whom want to travel to Jerusalem to pray. This means that Kalandia is quite busy and stormy . . usually by the middle of the day there is some kind of riot, small or large, and the last 3 weeks have been upsetting with the road into Kalandia closed by Israeli jeeps chasing after Palestinian youths. Explosions, guns . . . what a mess. It sounds very dramatic, and the first time I had to go through it, my heart was pounding and I want to return to Jerusalem pronto. But the line of traffic of course always finds a way around the danger and life and business goes on in the midst of chaos, so upon the friendly reassurance of a bus driver I know, I got into a Service going through the refugee camp, and was fine getting back to my next rehearsal in Ramallah. Drama is normal . . I think people need drama anyways. If it’s not openly displayed like in cases here, then people make up soap operas anyways in compensation. I need drama. One of my older students told me I’d should be an actress, that I’d really succeed, and I told her my mom was one. She wasn’t surprised. Well, if conducting fails, I can always then turn this new course of life upon the healthy recommendation of a 22 year old beginning violinist. Before other mundane things can be mentioned, I might share a thought that came to me the other day of what Palestine is doing to my brain. You remember those commercials with the egg and the whole egg versus the fried and then the head line, “this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs?” Well, let’s say that my brain before Palestine was an egg depleted of calcium, with therefore a very soft weak shell, ready to crack at the minutest chink. (not so really, but in comparison this works). And now, my brain is the inside of the egg still, but the shell has become this massive iron clad suite of armour impervious to bullshit, taxi drivers, honks, shitty remarks from men on the streets, rude choir members, and retarded actions from anybody who interferes with my work and life. This is Hebe’s brain. This is Hebe’s brain on Palestine. Ha, getting on with other features of life. My goodness I never thought this country could be green! When I first moved here it was all yellow and white and some light brown interspersed with some dirt colored olive trees, trash, and sheep. I was thirsty for green, fresh pine, snow, lakes, mountains, grass, bluebells, give me the Alps PLEASE! But, hey, it’s totally completely green now. YES! When I went to Amman in Jordan to renew my visa, the countryside was so strangely a combination of my places I’ve been, a sort of mix between the Palestine hills I know by now, the Mexican plantations I saw as a child in Ixtapa, and GREENness. Speaking of Amman, it’s the Los Angeles of the Middle East. You’ll see lots of Kentucky Fried Chicken, chique salad bars, and very modern but somewhat materialistic people. Anyways, one the way back, first the Jordanian soldiers gave me trouble because the Israeli soldier on the way out had stamped the wrong passport, so the Jordan visa was in one passport, and the stamp in the other. It took at least 5 of them shouting at each other and frowning at me for a while for them to decide to let me pass. Then, when I went to enter Israel again, the Israeli soldiers asked to speak with my alibi. So I called my friend very fast when I they put me in the waiting room, so that he was prepared for their call. Immediately when he started speaking to them, he told me that he didn’t give them a chance to speak, that he was very insistent that I had to come back to Israel, that I needed to be there for a long time, that I was VERY famous, and VERY Zionist. I was ushered through with courtesy. I had no idea what was going on or what in the world he had told them to get me through like that. This is Hebe’s brain on Palestine. Iron eggshell. Other trite little things, I love going to the healthclub still, especially to see my dear friend Katya everyday (the sweet Russian mafia ballerina insistent on abdomen exercises), and she’s gotten my flexibility to the point that my brain flew with joy upon realizing that one day I was doing the splits! Next thing you know I’ll have given up conducting, my new profession of acting, and instead I’ll join Cirque du Soleil as the Iron Egg contortion artist. I wish you all well and I’ll try to make my orchestra play with such an extreme amount of bow and resonance that the air waves from our Dubai concerts reach you all over the waters. Update 10: I started this email differently, and very negatively, but I rethought and let me start afresh. Spring is here!! That’s a good thought. Let’s start with something funny. Since I’m preparing to do a Haydn Symphony with the orchestra, I’ve been reading a book about Baroque string technique, and one of the first things it says in bold letters is “Inequality is ok”. Me with my narrow mind naturally was on the music track, but during a rehearsal with 5 of my advanced kids joining the Mozart Requiem performance with the Choir of London, I shared this excerpt of the book with them to apply it to a particular passage. One of the cellists, a hilarious and hip girl named Duja, immediately blurted out, “racists”. I almost split my sides with laughter. It’s true . . such early music was based on “racism” . . inequality in everything!! Beats, sound production, temperment (tuning), timbre, vibrato usage, harmonic hierarchy, phrasing. And as human rights became more hotly demanded . . music answered with the “democracy” of sound structure to the point where Schoenberg announced that all pitches were equal! Way to let completely go of the tonal system. Is a system better? Or does it instill/uphold racist tendencies? Well, anyways, I’m glad I have a Duja to remind me that I should keep thinking rather than accept and live blindly with the information around me. Lets find another funny thought . . I’m learning the cello!! I guess the actuality of it is not so funny, it’s really amazing. . I should have done this a LONG time ago, it is miles and miles better than the violin. So now my fingers are stretching so completely out that between the viola and the cello, when I practice violin it feels like a tiny insignificant (high pitched) little toy. They funny part comes that the first week my room was nicknamed the cowpen for all of the mooing that emitted from my cello. Well . . . you always need to wade through the shit before you start walking on grass, and luckily I got through the beginning phases. I’m proud to say I’m already at Grade 4 in 2 weeks!! My cello kids are stressing with the competition ☺. Other news: the Choir of London is here on a massive rampage to demonstrate to the world what they are proud to call the Palestine Mozart Festival. Some teachers of the Conservatory (Emma-clarinet, Lasse-piano, Bettina-cello, Gennady-horn, and I-flute and viola) played an enormously satisfying chamber concert for the benefit of the Choir of London’s pocket-book as part of the Festival, . . but we were glad to do so and especially for the opportunity to perform so much Mozart for a good cause. In addition, my own Jerusalem Chorus and 5 little kids from my orchestra joined the CoL in a performance of the beautiful Ave Verum Corpus yesterday at the Friends Boy’s School (at which girls attend as well?!) . . and amidst all of my ups and downs in the last few months, those 6 minutes (we did it twice) of conducting brought all my heart and love for the profession back again. What a magnificent thing . . beautiful voices revering one of the last compositions of my favorite composer . . life excels possibility so rarely! In addition, most of the teachers of the Conservatory plus some of my students and choir will perform the Requiem next week. I’m working furiously on intonation with my kids, but there are some that simply don’t have the sound in their ears. It’s understandable considering the tonal system is a system and if it is not installed initially, it is very hard to expect anything of quality to happen reasonably. So in compensation my CD burner is smoking and puffing with overtime work so that I stock their ears with anything I think might start their intonation engines working . . by now my entire beginning orchestra has the Brahms Symphony 1 (we’re playing a theme from it) and I’m hoping that this will spark some realization. The one cellist that has the biggest problem (she’s 8 years old I think?) also constantly answers with the Arabic yes. This means that if I correct her, or ask her if she knows where we are starting, or tell her F#, not F natural, or talk about time signatures, etc etc , .. she always nods vigorously yes and with lots of conviction in her eyes . . but she actually has no idea what I’m talking about and so she really means no. That’s another really funny topic that ALL foreigners find exasperating upon coming to this part of the world. When Arab Palestinians say no, they don’t do anything except raise their eyebrows. The other option is to give a very subtle click of the tongue while raising the eyebrows. It’s hilarious if you know about it, but frustrating to no end if you have no idea what is going on. But it’s so engrained in the culture to look for this slight miniscule sign, that even if a taxi passes you at 40 miles an hour, and honks to see if you need a ride, you can do this very little movement of the eyebrows and he will immediately know that you prefer to walk. Not that they always stop if you do happen to need a ride. . the other day I was walking home at 12pm at night in the cold horrible fog and far from home and upset, and I very obviously needed one, and two drove past honking and then sped off with glee. . . grrrrrr. So basically employing Murphy’s laws and applying them to taxis . . when you don’t need them they are like mosquitos buzzing around you, and when you really need them, they are totally absent or intentionally unavailable. April!! The end is near… phew. I’m sick of Palestine. What a statement!!! The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the sheep are baaing, the cats are kittening, and the boys are ANNOYING. As a foreigner, and one that sticks out considerably for being female, tall, and usually unwilling to acknowledge anybody or anything on the street, I feel like a real minority harassed by disgusting men and stupid boys. Sexual harassment laws (or any laws, for that matter) are still not quite in place (and it is doubtful they ever will be) and in consequence I wish I could hurl daggers out of my ears (rather than having to look at them) and burn every one of their irises with poison and lasers. Sounds very dramatic . . and it is. Inside, I am fuming, steaming, boiling, gnashing, scalding and whatever else you prefer to add, with resentment, and yet I know from my childhood with my foster brother (not sexual harassment . . just bad behavior) that is better to ignore and pretend it isn’t happening rather to get outwardly angry and acknowledge it . . the outcome of course satisfying them and promoting more. I want to learn knife-throwing, karate, and bring a big ugly mean dog with me wherever I go and to guard my house (some dumb kid followed me home and made as if he was going to rob me the other day) . . and then I reprimand myself for these dumb thoughts. Why resort to violent thoughts? The usual fault of humanity under stress. Well, anyways, I make it sound more dramatic than it actually is. To be honest, there is an exponentially larger rate of crime in the States than there is here . . so I should just learn to thicken my tolerance level. That’s the little news from this end . . and I’m looking forward to July when I’ll finally be coming back to you all again. Yours always, Those who are following these posts -- this first one brought some needed laughter, but the second one shocked me to remember what happened. In the series -- I went not knowing anything, and I came out knowing too much. My time as a music teacher in Pa--
Dear All, Here is update 6, started on Jan 20. Well, my orchestra program at the conservatory, which started as a lame animal with 3 dysfunctional legs, suddenly grew a fourth, stood up straight, and ran like a racehorse to the finish of 3 concerts in which we performed the first mov't of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony among other things. This all happened after a 4 day orchestra camp in Birzeit where I was graced with the magnificent collaboration of S. B. from Germany as wind coach, and J. and P. (brass players) from Germany and Sweden. The concerts were on Jan 8, 9, and 10 in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Ramallah, respectively, and although of course permits and other crap hindered (mostly administrative blunders) some details of the performances and rehearsals, in all it was a great success that we are all very proud of, and I am motivated to create an even greater concert this spring. . . on the list of repertoire is Beethoven 5, first mov't, and some other pieces I arranged such as Chiqulin de Bachin, la Donna e Mobile, and Summertime. Ramallah in general is still damn cold, but I think in all respects things are warming up .. and all parts of life are going to become better. The rain is falling like mad today and rivers are running down the streets, but at least the 4 days before showed some abatement of the creeping cold. People are talking now, administrations are sorting out their differences (including my own conservatory, which has it’s own lion’s share), and I think things can only look up from here. I have become a much more aggressive, strong, and insistent person from my whole Palestine experience. . can you believe I could have surpassed what I was before!! Take last week for instance. I traveled from Ramallah to Bethlehem with two of my Ramallah kids and one Jerusalem. This takes forever, first a service out of Ramallah, then a bus to Jerusalem Old City, then another bus to Bethlehem checkpoint, then a taxi to Beit Sahour where the Bethlehem conservatory is. Well, in any case, of course the Kalandia checkpoint was slow etc, and so by the time me and these kids get to Bethlehem checkpoint, 2 hours have gone by and we’re exhausted. So then when we get there, the soldier who is unconcernedly talking on the phone while filing her nails, refuses to let them through (these are 10-12 year olds) because if they don’t live or work in Bethlehem they can’t go in (even though they're Palestinians). I told her this was not acceptable, that I had a whole orchestra waiting for me, that these kids belonged with the orchestra, and that I definitely could not do without my bass player, and that we had already been traveling for two hours. She said if she was the captain, she would let me through. So, I said, fine, let me speak with the captain. Ok, she said he was coming, five minutes later he was still not there. So I asked her, was he coming now, or next year, or in 5 years? He came, I said that I definitely could not do without my bass player, and he let us through. I ARGUED WITH A CAPTAIN! My triumph for the week. The point is not my triumph, actually, my point is that this country makes people aggressive, rude, strong, insistent. I now know why the old ladies push on their way through the checkpoint and on the bus. I now know why people honk like mad when there is a traffic jam. We simply don’t have patience for the unnecessary, since there is so much enforced unnecessary hindrances. If it had been me in September with these kids we would have headed back, wasted our day with travel, and not gained anything except down-trodden bitterness. Well, instead we had our small triumph, if it means anything. It means the captain has a good heart, it means that walls aren’t everything, that humanity can soften the cement to let a young bass player attempt to play tango with 8 other kiddies. Tonight there were two “opera” singers and a Greek pianist who “graced” our Ramallah Cultural Center stage with a shoddy performance of famous arias and musical theater pieces. The concert was strangely advertised as a piano concert with accompaniment of singers . . a sign I should have well heeded. The tenor sang with an apple in his mouth (or so it seemed) and had absolutely no sense of diction, in whatever language he was singing. In fact, it didn’t even matter what the language was, it all sounded like one stuffed up drone. His real finesse lay in the musical theater, in which his dramatic acting was definitely the highest point of his performance. The soprano was ok, and also seemed more at home singing Show Boat than La Traviata. And her high C at the end of Boheme’s first act was pretty good, although I’m glad I couldn’t see how she must have had to contort her face to get it, because of course both her and Rodolfo are off stage for those last blessed notes. The tenor’s name was Coke, and let me tell you, when they sang the last encore from the Fledermaus, he must have snorted some before coming on stage. I shouldn’t be so harsh .. but just because we’re in Palestine doesn’t mean we don’t have standards here!! People can’t just come here to use our stage as practice venues for performances that they would never be allowed to do in other places! Enough frustration. There are so many fantastic things here it would be stupid to dwell on the bad. Fantastic number one: it snowed here!! And the Palestinians revelled in it. Fantastic number two: we got a new Swedish pianist that temporarily joined the faculty, and we are planning a whole chamber music concert with him . . finally an opportunity to perform! Fantastic number three: the health club I’m part of has a Russian ballerina fitness trainer who has made it her personal goal to get me into shape and teach me ballet. She’s pretty intense . . insists on abdomen training every day. That’s pretty much the one muscle that I don’t seem to have. We’ve decided to do our training with Tchaikovsky and other classical ballet composers as a nice relief from techno aerobic music. Fantastic number 4, living in Palestine is like having a humungous family in which everybody takes care of everybody. Take care all and I wish you a thousand good thoughts from across the miles. Update 7, Feb 11, 2007: Walla, (very satisfying Arabic expression), it’s February and there are so many exciting, terrible, promising, hopeless things to tell about my (and others) little life in Ramallah. Do you remember that I said . . things are getting warmer .. it looks like organisations are talking, and things can only look up from here? I was slightly mistaken. As I thought we were at the lowest point and that out of default we could only go up, things miraculously got worse. On a personal level, the Conservatory almost brought me to the point of quitting due to some administrative blunders/actions regarding the orchestra and other things. Without details, and with a current sense of relief I now happily spread the news that within the last 3 days things have turned remarkably for the better . . which I will get to later. Anyways, outside of my egotistical little sphere but yet still relating to me: 1. A man who came to the healthclub every morning, and was best friends with one of my own friends, and in fact had participated in a jolly game of Pictionary (the best game on EARTH!!) at my house, was shot in the head by the Israelis. They were undercover in Ramallah and were trying to stoke a conflict between the two rival factions by dressing as Hamas soldiers, which made a Fatah security commander nervous, and when he called his extra guard (which Khaldoun was part of), for some reason shooting broke out. My friend was devastated, as was pretty much everybody around me (he was a person very much respected by many people in Ramallah). 2. So, after my friend lost her best friend, she then lost (day before yesterday) one of her former piano students in a gas station explosion also near Ramallah. On top of that, the very day that Fatah and Hamas agreed on a unity government, the Israelis provoked the entire Muslim world by digging beneath the third most holy site for Islam, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, under the pretext that some ramp needed renewal. Hence, there was massive rioting in Jerusalem, and of course this affects the entire West Bank, because security was heightened, which froze the checkpoint at Kalandia, of course causing more rioting from Palestians insistent on traveling to Jerusalem . . . So between illegal murders, explosions due to carelessness and stupidity, administrative blunders, funerals, provocation and rioting, the end result has been (for me) that I have been on permanent “vacation” for at least a week now that everything that I had in my calendar was cancelled. And so, you see, when you hit bottom, you can always dig more (beneath holy sites, at that) to hit the next bottom. Sorry for the pessimism. I’m really not negative at this time, to be honest, because heek iddinya (you remember?? –“such is life”). And things now really ARE looking up. My orchestra is suddenly doing fantastic!! Now that we have a very strong administrative grip on the whole project, thanks to the departure of a tired and disorganised lady and the subsequent arrival of a young positive and energetic Mohammad Maragha, the students are responding with much better progress. The policy regarding practicing and attendance that they signed, and a month long trial period imposed by me (determining staying in the orchestra, or moving back to beginning orchestra) is creating competition and motivation to practice their music (!!! What a CONCEPT!!!), be extremely attentive during rehearsal, and take tardiness seriously. Not only that, but we have a substantial amount of Birzeit camps planned for this semester, and that is where we really make the most progress. For the advanced/intermediate orchestra we have several projects; some of them are playing the Mozart Requiem with the choir of London, and they all are playing the first mov’t of Beethoven 5. Also some smaller pieces, . . and I think after the Beethoven we will feed ourselves the veggies of orchestra .. a nice Haydn Symphony mov’t. . probably 44. About the other things . . they are terrible. Shock numbs the soul. It becomes something that you begin to think of as “heek iddinya” . . because there is too much to plague you pysche with remorse and sadness and regret and anger and negativity. Maybe sometimes the only solution to big problems is a substantial shock and blow. Maybe for humanity that’s the only thing that brings us to action, conflict, and later, reconciliation. Brings us to reflection as well. My friend talked to me a lot during the last week about her grief and disbelief, and her questioning of everything, including the will herself to continue living. And she said you can only understand when it happens to you . . you can only sympathise completely with another’s pain when you feel it directly yourself. She was referring to all of the Palestinian women that she has seen on the news weeping over lost loved ones . . Speaking of lost loved ones, I lost both of my cats. One was stolen by the street boys, and the other I think was terrorised by the bully cats in the neighbourhood. I’m not going to do the whole saving the cats from the humane shelter again. Expensive and sad. Palestine is not made for having cats . . you should keep them inside if you have them (I refuse, totally terrible for an animal), or you should realise that outside they must be the smartest, toughest, (dirty) buggers to claim their fame in the survival of the fittest. Maybe I’ll get a bird . . . . . . NOT. Regarding music, I think that for some strange reason, what you would think to be a very far location regarding classical music, Ramallah is actually doing me some good?! I’m learning so much about what is fundamental to music when I teach my choir and my orchestra. Intervals especially. Breathing!! Playing an instrument or singing is like exercise, without oxygen you completely unwittingly fail. And also, I’m getting all these crazy opportunities to perform on every single instrument that I play: violin, viola, flute, singing, and even piano!! My piano chops thank goodness are improving, and I’m accompanying many of my students on their exam pieces and also on audition tapes for abroad. . plus I love practicing La Traviata in the morning with a CD to accompany a virtual Sutherland, . Callas. I’ve found the funniest methods to stretch the brain, . . try sight singing Isolde from Tristan and Isolde first act at tempo with a very old recording where the tonality (if discernable) is hard to hear. Walla, (lots of emphasis on the “W”) you find strange pastimes when you get to make them up yourself! Well, anyways, let’s all get ready for a tremendous Valentines’ day with lots of virtual hugs and benevolent thoughts. Forget the material presents, let’s just all get along and be friends!! Walla!!! Many regards . . I hope the sun and the moon smile down on you in peace! |
Hebe de Champeauxconductor, mezzo-soprano, violinist, composer Archives
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